Do you know what checkmate means? Learn about it and how to play chess at Chess rules for beginners. Game on!

How to Play Chess for Beginners

One of the most challenging, yet exciting board games would probably be chess. It is a game that involves skill and strategy where every single move on the chess board could have a consequence. It still remains a classic board game and is still played in schools all over the globe.

According to Wikipedia, the chess game is as old as the mountains. It originated as a local game in India in 6 AD – that’s about 2009 years ago! It started out as a military strategy game, but as time went on it grew across the European and Asian continent as a game played for relaxation.

If you are new to chess, or haven’t played it in a while, don’t worry! These steps are aimed at playing chess for beginners, as well as those who feel a bit rusty. You’ll be able to teach your own family these easy chess rules before you can say checkmate!

Chess Requirements

You will need a standard chess set with the chess board as well as another player as this is a game meant for 2 players.

Playing Time

Casual games usually last 10 to 60 minutes

How to Play Chess for Beginners

  1. The first thing you will have to do is learn the functions of the chess pieces. They work as follow:
    • Pawns – these are the eight pieces in front. Upon the first move the pawn can move two spaces to the front. During the rest of the game it may only move forward one space. It can take another piece of the opposite team by jumping it in a diagonal movement to the left or right. Once it reaches the other end of the board, it may be upgraded to any piece except the king.
    • Knights – they may be moved in an L pattern for a total of 3 spaces: 2 in one direction and 1 in another. They may ‘jump’ over other pieces falling in that L to take them.
    • Rook – these may move any amount of spaces but only in one direction, except diagonally. It may capture the other player’s pieces.
    • Bishop – these are the same as the rook, but they may only be moved in a diagonal direction. They may also capture the other player’s pieces.
    • Queen – she may move in any direction, any amount of spaces, and may also capture other pieces.
    • King – he can move in any direction, but for only one space. The goal is for you to capture the other person’s king and to avoid yours from going into ‘checkmate’.
  2. Place these pieces as follow on the board: the rook on the right corner block (usually white), and place the rest to the left of that as follow – a knight, a bishop, a king, a queen, a bishop, a knight, and a rook.
  3. When both sides are complete, let white go first. Any piece may be moved except the back row which is block by the pawns. They may only be moved when they are ‘opened’ by the pawns.
  4. Black goes next with the same options as white.
  5. Continue this turn taking with the goal in mind: to take the opponents king.
  6. If a king is 1 move away from being taken, ‘check’ is called.
  7. If a king is cornered and can’t go anywhere else, ‘checkmate’ is called and that colour loses.

 Chess Video Tutorial