Learn how to play Capture the Flag via our Capture the Flag game tutorial. Review the Capture the Flag rules and find fun games at www.GameOnFamily.com!

How to Play Capture the Flag - the exciting group game!

Capture the Flag Game Tutorial

Ready to learn the rules to Capture the Flag?  This group game is one of the most popular outdoor games for scouts dating back to 1947!  This physical, active game is not difficult to set up; however, it can be quite complicated and exciting at the same time. According to the essential Capture the Flag tutorial, the object of the game is for you to grab your opponent's flag and bring it back to your side. However, if you are tagged while in enemy territory, you will end up in jail. The winner is the team that manages to steal the flag of the other team.

Capture the Flag Setup

To play the game, you need at least six players, a large outdoor space such as a backyard or playground with trees and good hiding spots, and two flags ideally of different colors.  You can choose another object to hide if you don’t have a flag. Some people use cones while others use balls, hula hoops, frisbees, or bandannas.  If you play at night, you can use glow sticks or lanterns. The goal is to locate and grab the other team's flag/object without being tagged out.

How to Play Capture the Flag

  1. Divide the players into 2 teams each of equal size.
  2. Find a large outdoor space with good hiding spots such as trees and rocks to use as your play space.
  3. Divide the play space into two territories with designated boundaries.
  4. Have each team choose an area on their territory that will be their Jail.
    • Tagged opponents will go to the Jail until another team member re-tags and frees them.
  5. Have each team choose Guards and Attackers as well as scouts/rangers and recon members.
    • Guards will do the patrolling at the center line, keep a close look out on their flag, and tag players of the opposing team who enter their territory.
    • Attackers will try and sneak into opponent territory, outrun their guards, and capture the opponent's flag.
    • The scouts alternate between defensive and offensive duties.
  6. Plan your mode of attack using different strategies like the Mad Rush or The Decoy.
    • You can decide whether to play a defensive game involving tagging other team’s attackers and then rushing them with greater numbers.
    • The Mad Rush is a desperate move involving sending almost all the members of your team into the opponent’s half trying to bring back their flag safely.
    • The Decoy is a strategy in which you send your quickest players to one side of the field to ensure they do not get tagged and in the process draw their guards so that another player is able to sneak in and find the opponent’s flag.
  7. Each team hides their flags at the back of their territories. 
    • Cleverly hide your flag in your territory. Keep your flag as far away from your opponent as possible, and if your flag is visible, then you need to ensure that it can only be seen from behind.
    • Note, placing the flag close to the jail is not a good move because the jailed opponent may be able to see the flag. Hide your flag far from the jail.
  8. Begin game play.
  9. Win by capturing and transferring the opposing team's flag to your territory!

Capture the Flag Video Tutorial

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