Check out our free Christmas Lights Scavenger Hunt printable list! Learn how to play the Christmas Lights Scavenger Hunt game: Game on!

How to Play Christmas Lights Scavenger Hunt: Free Printable List!

Hunters and Gatherers… And Scavengers!

There’s just something so instinctively thrilling about scavenging. In fact, humans have been hunters and gathers since the dawn of time, and it has provided the basic foundation for our way of life.  And there is something so intrinsically pleasing in seeing pretty, twinkling lights.  This is where the Christmas Lights Scavenger Hunt game comes into play (no pun intended…maybe), as it is a fun outdoors game that reminds us all of the joys and adrenaline associated with scavenging.  So without any further ado let’s jump right into this Christmas Lights Scavenger Hunt game tutorial and start scavenging for tips and tricks on how to play!

Christmas Lights Scavenger Hunt Setup

See our below free printable Christmas Lights list.  If you want to create your own scavenger hunt list, then continue reading below. First write down your list of scavenger items.  While some games weigh the items equally, meaning that no item found is worth more points than any other, other variations have bonus points for particular items. Whatever you choose, make sure to jot down the numerical point value for each item beside it on your list. Common objects in the holiday scavenger hunt list include, but are not limited to, candy canes, stars, color of lights, and signs that say ‘Noel’ or ‘Peace’.

How to Play Christmas Lights Scavenger Hunt aka Christmas Lights Treasure Hunt Game

  1. List your items. The scavengers can not know the location of the objects beforehand, as this will just spoil the game.
  2. Assign points to each item if want to increase the levels of difficulty and reward. 
  3. Create a map showing the general hiding areas/boundaries.  If the hunt takes place in a huge area, then the one outside player may want to make a map showing the general hiding areas.  Another treasure hunt variation is to give the scavengers clues to the location of each object (see video tutorial below).
  4. Set a time limit for the scavengers to find as many objects in the allotted time as possible. 
  5. Print a list for each scavenger/car/team, and split into different neighborhoods/streets.
  6. Then, let them run free, as they search thoroughly for the hidden objects! Have 1 scavenger per team take a photo of the found item (#scavengerhunt).
  7. Return to the meeting place when done or at the allotted time to compare lists.  The person who finds all the objects first, or collects the most points when time is called, wins! Some games implement an actual prize, either physical or monetary for the winner, while others simply give the winner a pat on the back. Whatever the “prize” is, the game will still be enjoyable, regardless.

Scavenger Hunt Team Size

The game requires a minimum of three players.  One player to make the scavenger list, and two to scavenge and compete against each other. Yet, typically games include five to a dozen individuals. Of course, the amount of items you choose has to be relative to the number of players.  So typically we say twice or three times as many objects as there are players.

Time Required

The time required for each round of a scavenger outdoor game is dependent on the size of the party and how expertly the objects are hidden. Typically, games can range from fifteen minutes, to thirty, to even a full hour for the most hardcore games. Nevertheless, you’ll always have a blast from the first minutes to the last ones as well!

Scavenger Hunt Video Tutorial

Christmas Lights Scavenger Hunt Printable List

Simply right click on the image below, print, and play. Game on!

Check out our free Christmas Lights Scavenger Hunt printable list! Learn how to play the Christmas Lights Scavenger Hunt game: Game on!