How to Play Charades

How to Play Charades

What is Charades

Charades is a fun, group game of pantomime. Players break into two teams and take turns acting out and guessing word prompts.

Object of Charades

The object of Charades is to correctly guess more acted out word prompts than your opponent.


Charades is a great game for all ages 3+. Younger children will need easier word prompts to fit with their understanding of vocabulary.


One of the great things about Charades is that you don’t need much to play. All you need is a group of 4+ and some paper and writing utensils for writing down word prompts and keeping score. Or you can purchase board games like Speed Charades for Charades for Kids for an out of the box experience.


  • Creativity
  • Vocabulary
  • Connecting words with actions

How to Play Charades in 11 Simple Steps

1. Gather a group of 4 or more people

Charades needs a minimum of 4 players so that there can be two teams, each with an “actor” and “guesser(s).” You can add as many players as you like to each team, but we’ve found that 10 players total (5 per team) is the maximum before it starts to feel a little crowded.

2. Split into two teams

Charades is a team game where you’re trying to outscore your opponents by guessing the correct action in each round.

3. Choose your categories and words

We have a [free charades generator above] with words and categories, as well as [word list ideas] below. You can also create your own prompts by having each player write down 1 idea on a small piece of paper per round you plan to play. The collection of papers with clues will be traded to the other team and become their prompts. For a prompt to be valid, make sure that at least half (and ideally ALL) of the players on your team have at least heard of the prompt you’ve written. It’s no fun playing when the prompt isn’t known by the actors or the guessers.

4. Review the Charades rules

Before you start playing, it’s a good idea to review the rules. It’s actually pretty simple. The “actor” acts out, in pantomime, the selected prompt and can’t use any words or sounds. But, they can use gestures, as outlined in the next step. In summary, the Charades rules are as follows:

  • Can use your body to act out the prompt
  • Can use gestures
  • Can’t speak
  • Can’t make noises (no humming, clapping, snapping, etc)
  • Can’t mouth the words
  • Can’t point at objects in the room
  • Can’t point at people as the clue (e.g. pointing to a doctor so they guess that word), but can point to people for gesturing game play, such as who got a word right

5. Demonstrate Common Charades Gestures

Charades has its own pantomime language and it’s helpful for everyone to know the basics to keep the game flowing and get more right guesses. Here are the most common Charades gestures. It’s common practice during every Charades turn to start play with these three gestures:


  1. Movie: Crank the camera
  2. TV: Draw rectangular box starting top middle
  3. Play: Curtains open OR theater rope pull
  4. Song: pretend to sing (use hand out)
  5. Book title: hands together, then open
  6. Quotes and Phrases: do air quotations

See below for other category options

Number of Words

Hold up the number of fingers to indicate the total words in the prompt. For example, if there are 4 words in the prompt, hold up 4 fingers.

Starting Word

Then hold up the number of fingers for the word you’d like to start with. For example, if you’d like to start on the second word, hold up two fingers. There are additional helpful gestures that can be used during game play as well. See our [full list of gestures] below.

6. Set the timer and prepare to start play

Set the timer for 30 seconds to 1 minute before play. Give more time for beginner players or if you’re working with complex prompts.

7. Play the turn for the first team by acting in pantomime and guessing

First, select which team goes first by any method you like (flip a coin, rock paper scissor, etc). Each team plays the same number of turns, so it doesn’t really matter. Second, the first team to go will choose their first actor. This, also doesn’t matter since everyone will get a turn to act. Then, the actor will draw their prompt (slip of paper, online generator, etc). Only the actor views the prompt. Next, the actor will act out the prompt per the rules above, using only their body language, facial expression, and gestures to give their team clues. The other players on the team will guess the words and the actor will make adjustments and give feedback through non-verbal gestures.

8. Score the turn with 1 point for a correct answer

If the team guesses the correct prompt, the turn is over and they receive one point. If they don’t guess the prompt in the allotted time, the turn is over and they receive no points for this round.

9. Complete the round by rotating to the 2nd team’s turn

After the first team takes a turn in the round, it’s time for the 2nd team to take their turn with the same process.

10. Play additional rounds until each person has had at least one turn to act

When planning the number of rounds, it’s most fun to make sure every person gets at least one turn as the actor. Both teams should have an equal number of turns.

11. Declare the winning team, who has the most points

Once you’ve finished all the rounds, add up the score and the team with the most points wins!

Charades Categories

There are 6 categories in the traditional Charades game:

  1. Movie
  2. Play
  3. TV
  4. Book title
  5. Song
  6. Quotes / Phrases

However, that can be pretty limiting because some of the best Charades prompts don’t really fit under these categories. Fun charades categories to consider:

  • Actions: This can be funny things (slipping on a banana peel, getting your zipper stuck, etc), common actions (mopping the floor), sports names or actions (e.g. baseball vs hitting a home run), and more. For the gesture, we suggest: Fingers doing the walking motion.
  • Animals: It can be pretty funny seeing someone act out an animal. LOL. For the gesture, we suggest interlocking your thumbs and flapping your hands like wings.
  • Things: This can include objects, food, etc.

Other categories we’ve seen include:

  • Location: Act out locations like the Eiffel Tower, etc. Gesture by drawing a circle with one hand, then pointing at a spot like marking a point on a map.
  • Event: You can have fun with events like Mardi Gras, the Super Bowl, and more. To gesture, point at your wrist to signify a watch.
  • Poem: We’re not huge fans of this one as it’s not very universal. To gesture, hold a fake piece of paper like reading a poem from it.

Full List of Charades Gestures

Starting Gestures

  • Category: See the categories section above to see the common gestures for each category.
  • # of words: Immediately after you show the category, hold up the number of fingers that corresponds with the number of words in the prompt.
  • Starting word: After the # of words gesture, show the word you’re starting with by showing the corresponding number of fingers.

Additional Charades Gestures

Below are other gestures that more advanced players use during play:

  • Syllables in word: do “1st word” then # of fingers on arm for syllable
  • Right word or phrase: touch nose and point at the person
  • Close by not quite right: rolling arm towards you
  • Tool long of word: point and chop
  • Too short of word: point and stretch hands apart
  • Already said word: arching motion like “come back”
  • Opposite of what was said: rainbow motion both hands
  • Sounds like / rhymes with: pull ear or cup ear
  • Big word: Hands wide after word number
  • Small word: pinching after word number. Common short word gestures:
    • A: Hand steeple
    • And: plus sign
    • I: Point at your eye
    • The: Fingers T
    • That: Fingers T + put on a hat
    • Or: Paddle a boat (oar)
    • On: fingers jump on hand
    • Off: fingers jump off hand
  • Whole concept acted out: stacked forearms, to big wide open.

200+ Charades Ideas and Word Lists

Our word generator has the words below and more. But this should get you off to a great start and see how we think about what makes a good prompt for each category! 

Core Charades Category Ideas

25 Movies Charade Ideas

The most fun movies charade ideas are the ones that either:

  • Have words that can be acted out
  • Have some famous scene, character, or setting that someone could guess just by the one thing

Here’s a list to get you started:

  1. Gone with the Wind
  2. Pirates of the Caribbean
  3. Titanic
  4. Austin Powers
  5. Rain Man
  6. Singing in the Rain
  7. Toy Story
  8. Eyes Wide Shut
  9. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
  10. The Hunger Games
  11. Bird Box
  12. Breakfast Club
  13. Footloose
  14. Pitch Perfect
  15. The Shining (Red Rum)
  16. Jaws
  17. Wedding Crashers
  18. Monsters Inc
  19. Sharknado
  20. Catch Me If You Can
  21. The Lion King
  22. Frozen
  23. The Karate Kid
  24. King Kong
  25. Beauty and the Beast

25 TV Show Charades Ideas

  1. Married with Children
  2. Two and a Half Men
  3. 30 Rock
  4. Parks and Recreation
  5. Friday Night Lights
  6. The Big Bang Theory
  7. MacGyver
  8. Bodyguard
  9. Sons of Anarchy
  10. House of CArds
  11. The X-Files
  12. The Voice
  13. Breaking Bad
  14. Friends
  15. Big Little Lies
  16. Lost
  17. Arrested Development
  18. American Idol
  19. The Simpsons
  20. Law and Order
  21. Glee
  22. Malcolm in The Middle
  23. Mad Men
  24. This Is Us
  25. The Walking Dead

10 Plays & Musicals Charades Ideas

Plays, as a category, was probably more popular before movies and tv ruled the entertainment world. The problem with that is that plays generally aren’t universal. We suggest you keep this list pretty short, but here are some that are either universal, or reasonable to act out:

  1. Romeo and Juliet
  2. Cats
  3. The Nutcracker
  4. Hamilton
  5. Wicked
  6. Rent
  7. Peter Pan
  8. Fiddler on the Roof
  9. Grease
  10. The Lion King

25 Song Charades Ideas

  1. Charades song ideas are most fun when it’s either universal (most people in the group know it) and/or it can be acted out easily:
  2. Twist and Shout (Beatles)
  3. Under the Bridge Downtown (Red Hot Chili Peppers)
  4. Paper Planes (M.I.A.)
  5. Ice Ice Baby (Vanilla Ice)
  6. Smells Like Teen Spirit (Nirvana)
  7. Surfin Safari (Beach Boys)
  8. Radioactive (Imagine Dragons)
  9. Raise the Roof
  10. We Will Rock You
  11. The Locomotion
  12. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
  13. You Are My Sunshine
  14. Macarena
  15. Vogue (Madonna)
  16. The Hokey Pokey
  17. Boot Scootin Boogie
  18. Can’t Feel My Face (The Weeknd)
  19. On Top of the Word (Imagine Dragons)
  20. Dancing Queen (ABBA)
  21. Low (Flo Rida)
  22. Pour Some Sugar On Me (Def Leppard)
  23. Raise Your Glass (Pink)
  24. Sweet Home Alabama (Lynyrd Skynyrd)
  25. You Can’t Touch This (Mc Hammer)
  26. Love Shack (B-52s)

11 Book Charades Ideas

As with plays, books is a difficult category because the list of universal books that the majority of the group will know is relatively small. Here is a list of books that are either universal, or it’s reasonable to act out the title.

  1. Cat in the Hat
  2. Little Blue Truck
  3. Moneyball
  4. Dracula
  5. Catch 22
  6. The Little Prince
  7. Charlotte’s Web
  8. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
  9. Lord of the Rings
  10. The Catcher in the Rye
  11. Hunger Games

25 Quote Charade Ideas

The problem with the quotes category is that they’re generally too long to act out in Charades. What you really need is famous phrases. So the most famous parts of a quote (move, speech, etc) and short idioms work well. Here’s an example of good quotes for Charades:

  1. I have a dream (Martin Luther King Junior)
  2. May the Force be with you (Star Wars)
  3. You had me at ‘hello.’ (Jerry Maguire)
  4. I'm the king of the world! (Titanic)
  5. I'll be back. (The Terminator)
  6. Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night.” -All About Eve
  7. Beat around the bush
  8. Break a leg
  9. Cutting corners
  10. Get out of hand
  11. Hang in there
  12. Hit the sack
  13. Cut me some slack
  14. It's not rocket science
  15. Let someone off the hook
  16. Make a long story short
  17. Miss the boat
  18. No pain, no gain
  19. On the ball
  20. Pulling my leg
  21. On thin ice
  22. Speak of the devil
  23. Time flies when you're having fun
  24. Let the cat out of the bag
  25. Bent out of shape

Funny Charades Ideas

Ironically, the funniest charade ideas are ACTIONS, which aren’t a traditional category within charades. If you’re looking for fun or funny, we suggest you add an “action” category to your Charades game, then start laughing as your group tries to act out these funny charades ideas:

  1. Slipping on a banana peel
  2. Getting your zipper stuck
  3. Playing a saxophone
  4. Eating spicy food
  5. Dancing the Macarena
  6. Hiccups
  7. Holding back a sneeze
  8. Party pooper
  9. Doggy bag
  10. Pickpocket
  11. Bullfighter
  12. Throwing a boomerang
  13. Step in bubble gum
  14. Pin the tail on the donkey
  15. Breakdancing
  16. Opening a safe

100+ Kids Charades Ideas

The best ideas for charades with kids is to choose universal clues. The traditional categories are tough to get kids who have the same experiences and know them. And some categories are just N/A. We suggest the following categories instead:


We recommend choosing common actions. Gesture = swinging baseball bat.

  1. Brushing teeth
  2. Coming hair
  3. Washing dishes
  4. Tying shoes
  5. Hula hooping
  6. Riding a bike
  7. Slipping on a banana peel
  8. Riding a horse
  9. Swimming
  10. Doing a cannonball
  11. Walking a dog
  12. Waking up
  13. Going to sleep
  14. Sleep walking
  15. Taking a shower
  16. Playing ping pong
  17. Playing tennis
  18. Skateboarding
  19. Roller Skating
  20. Jumping on a trampoline
  21. Sword Fighting
  22. Making your bed
  23. Kicking a soccer ball
  24. Drinking milk
  25. Eating spicy food
  26. Juggling
  27. Reading a book
  28. Shingling a flashlight
  29. Throwing a ball
  30. Riding a unicycle
  31. Playing piano
  32. Playing guitar
  33. Blowing a kiss
  34. Catching a frisbee
  35. Playing video games
  36. Smelling a flower
  37. Driving a car
  38. Bowling
  39. Turn on a light
  40. Making a snowman
  41. Jump roping
  42. Frosting cupcakes
  43. Blowing out birthday cake candles

Pick common animals. Optionally, have each animal doing an action. Gesture = horns/ears on top of head

  1. Dog
  2. Snake
  3. Bird
  4. Cat
  5. Penguin
  6. Fish
  7. Spider
  8. Butterfly
  9. Ant
  10. Bear
  11. Pig
  12. Fox
  13. Bunny
  14. Elephant
  15. Mouse
  16. Alligator
  17. Turtle
  18. Cow
  19. Lizard
  20. frog
  21. Kangaroo
  22. Dinosaur
  23. Horse
  24. Bee
  25. Mosquito
  26. Lion
  27. Seal
  28. Bat

Common people and professions are fun for kids to act out. Gesture = fingers as legs standing on another hand

  1. Firefighter
  2. Doctor
  3. Construction worker
  4. Teacher
  5. Fisherman
  6. Bus driver
  7. Witch
  8. Pirate
  9. Painter
  10. Dentist
  11. Police officer
  12. Cashier
  13. Mailman
  14. Hairdresser
  15. Airplane pilot
  16. Veterinarian
  17. Train conductor
  18. Referee
Things / Food

Common food and objects make great kid charades clues. Gesture = spooning food into mouth

  1. Lollipop
  2. Ice cream cone
  3. Spaghetti
  4. Pizza
  5. Carrots
  6. Hot dog
  7. French fries
  8. Taco
  9. Sandwich
  10. Corn on the cob
  11. Donut
  12. Chips and salsa
  13. Bubble gum
  14. Lemon
  15. Popcorn
  16. Apple

We actually have a full guide on how to play Emotion Charades you should check out!

Charades Video Tutorial

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