How to Play MASH - the story-telling game!
What is the MASH game?
MASH is a multi-player fortune telling game of elimination. A number of potential life options are listed and organized by popular categories, such as job, spouse, and location. Using a set number, often called the “magic number,” options are crossed off until only one is left per category and the fortune is determined.
What does M.A.S.H. stand for in the game?
The MASH game is an acronym that stands for Mansion, Apartment, Shack, House. MASH is the primary category in the game (housing), but is played with 4-9 additional categories, such as spouse, # of kids, car, place, job, and more.
MASH Playing Time
Typical games of MASH should only last about five minutes for all steps. For experienced players who have a firm handle on the flow of this game, expect each round to take only a minute or two.
Why MASH is fun
Whether you believe in superstition or not, there’s no doubt that imaginative games are fun! There’s just no telling what the future holds for each of our complex lives. We’re constantly left fantasizing about what our paths have in store for us. With MASH, players can get a brief snapshot of their ‘future’ with this classic fortune-telling game. Of course it’s all pretend, but it makes for silly and hilarious conversations regardless! It’s the perfect time passer or general icebreaker game for kids and teens in particularly, especially during lunch hours! How to Play the MASH Game | Complete Game Rules
1. Get 1 or more friends, a sheet of paper, and pencil or pen
Mash is usually played with 2 people, but feel free to add more. Just know that only one player’s fortune can only be told at a time, so there will be more waiting for your turn. All you need is a sheet of paper and a pencil or pen (and some good ideas for categories and options).
2. Choose 4-6 MASH categories
The game gets its name M.A.S.H from the one default category (housing) because M.A.S.H. is an acronym for the 4 options in the category: Mansion, Apartment, Shack, and House. You’ll want to choose another 4 - 9 categories as well (most people choose 5 additional). The most 6 most common categories include:
- MASH (housing)
- Spouse
- # of kids
- Car
- Place
- Job
Other categories include pet(s), salary, spouse’s job, first child’s name, etc. Feel free to choose whatever categories sound fun to you.
3. Set up your MASH game on paper
As you choose your categories, you’ll want to write them down (or use our [free printable template] below). First, write M.A.S.H at the top of the paper, then enter each of the categories you’d like to use. Make sure to leave enough room under each category for 4 lines of options.
4. Fill in the categories with 4 options each
Here’s where it gets fun. You’ll want to have a few good options and at least one bad one per category. So for the “marry” category, you might choose 2 famous people you really like, someone at school you have a crush on, and then something silly. Some people play that the person getting their fortune told gets to pick 3 they like, and the fortune teller selects the silly/bad option. Others play that the fortune teller picks all of the options.
5. Set your magic number by drawing a spiral and counting the gaps
The person getting their fortune told draws a spiral and stops when the fortune teller says stop. Then, you count all the gaps in the spiral. This is the magic number you’ll use to narrow down your options in the next step.
6. Start crossing off options using your magic number
MASH is a game of fortune option elimination. Starting with the MASH options and continuing down through the other categories, count the number from above and cross off the option you land on. For example, if the magic number was 5, you’d count:
- (M)
- (A)
- (S)
- (H)
- Category #2, Option 1, and cross off that option.
7. Continue counting your number for the remaining options and cross off where you land
Whatever you crossed off last, count with the same number and cross of the options you land on. When you reach the last option in the last category on the list, continue counting above. As you count, skip over any options that were already crossed off.
8. Circle the last remaining option in each category
Once there is only 1 remaining option in any category, circle it. This is your fortune for that category. Continue counting all remaining options (not crossed off or circled) until the one remaining option in each category has been circles
9. Read your fortune aloud
This is the fun part! Read out your fortune in story form. For example, if the circled item in each category looked like:
- MASH: Mansion
- Marry: Harry Styles
- # of kids: 10
- Car: taxicab
- Place: Mt Everest
- Job: Dog Walker
You would read out loud: “I’m going to marry Harry Styles and we’ll live in a mansion on Mt Everest with 10 kids. I’ll drive a taxicab and am a professional dog walker” Your fortune has been decided! (Don’t like it, just play again.)
Printable MASH Game Template
Here's a free printable MASH game template that you can use to start your games.