How to Play the Who Am I Game

How to Play the Who Am I Game - a party icebreaker game!

How to Play the Who Am I Game: You Don't Need Amnesia to Forget Who You Are

Nothing like a little deductive reasoning game to stir a little casual competition between you and your friends! The game of DIY Who Am I (similar to the Headbanz game) allows you to live out your glorious fantasies of being a high profile detective along the likes of Sherlock Holmes or Inspector Gadget. This creates an enjoyable game and improves strategic and deductive reasoning skills, which is particularly critical in the cognitive development of kids. Yet, as always, it is fun for people of all ages too, so without any further ado, let’s jump right into the Who Am I game tutorial!


You’ll only need a few objects to undergo a successful and enjoyable round of Who Am I. First, you’ll need a writing tool--most typically a marker. We recommend Crayola Broad Point Washable Markers, as they are thick and the heavy ink allows for easy reading. Further, you’ll need sticky note post its although you could just utilize small pieces of paper and tape. Finally, you’ll need an excited group of people who are ready to begin the game!

How to Play the Who Am I Game

  1. Using the paper and a marker, each player writes down an undisclosed individual on their post it/paper. If you're playing with young kids who don't yet read, then you could print out pictures. This can be a fictional character, such as Romeo from Romeo and Juliet, or a real individual, like a celebrity, for example Brad Pitt. The only requirement for the individual is that it is possible to guess who they are.
  2. Next, stick the post it to your neighbor player's forehead or back.
  3. Repeat steps one through two for all players.
  4. Next, player #1 asks 1 question to try and deduce who their mystery person is.  Answers should be only "yes" or "no." Example questions: Am I a fictional character? Am I a woman/man? Am I a singer/ actor/writer/athlete/etc.?
  5. Going clockwise, players take turns asking questions.
  6. The first person to correctly guess who is on their forehead/back wins!  

Team Size

Games of Who Am I should be played individually, with no players teaming up together. There is no limit to the amount of players allowed to play, making it ideal for everyone from the intimate group of friends to even the large party including classroom sizes.

Time Required

The time for games like Who Am I are all dependent on the deductive reasoning skills of players, as well as the difficulty of individuals made to be guessed. Typically, it should take players twenty five to thirty minutes to figure out who their individual is. Yet, more experienced players will find this time being significantly shortened to around ten to fifteen minutes. Whatever the case, we assure that you won’t even notice time ticking by as you’ll be having so much fun with this mystery game!

Who Am I Game Video Tutorial

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